This book


This book, One Thousand Gifts, is changing me.

April has been a hard month.  I’ve been ready for May.  But now, this little book has me ready for just today and ready to receive moment by blessed moment.

God is giving me gifts all the time…  I have failed to see… but that is changing…

hubby feeling better
encouragement from friends
an eleven year olds determination
kisses from my love
my oldest punks sense of humor
warm cookies
brotherly love
running my fingers through the curls of my youngest
the sound of laughter
cartoons my oldest makes up and draws
an apology
budding trees
restful weekends
a meal shared as a family
beautiful sunsets
waking up next to him
watching my kids sleep
the smell of coffee
a beautiful sunrise
peaceful silence
lunch alone with just him
holding hands

I could go on and on but I’m overwhelmed.  The scales have fallen from my eyes.

Oh what I have failed to see before, I see so clearly now.

And my cup runneth over.  I am thankful.

2 thoughts on “This book

  1. I just started this book…the first couple of pages were tough, but I can already tell I’m going to love it. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm.

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