About Kelly Webb

Lover of travel, art and photography.

Upcycled Art


My oldest punk had some friends over Friday night and one of them brought pizza.


I saw 4 canvases in 2 pizza boxes.


I roughed up the surface of one and then gave them a coat of gesso.


I cut up the granola box for smaller canvases too. Apparently everything is fair game when my bottle of gesso is open.


I painted and I wrote.



And this is what came out.


Do you know Slender Man

Well, do you?
It’s the game that big brothers tell their little brothers about so they lay in bed tormented and can’t sleep at night.
It’s the game that keeps the parental units up at night because one of their punks can’t settle himself.
It’s the game that despite being scared out of his mind/screaming from the other room, he cannot keep himself from playing it.
It’s the game that makes little brothers dress up like Slender Man with  the help of their parental units and hide behind corners and try to freak out their older brothers.

Untitled Because that’s what older brothers get when they tell their little brothers about a sleep deprivation game like Slender Man.

My parenting philosophy

Just like you, I love my kids. And just like me, they are not perfect. And just like me, they have have those things about their personalities that can drive anyone crazy. But a long time ago, I decided that instead of squelching the things that irritated me, I would realize that God put those qualities in my kids for a reason and that quite possibly that reason would help them achieve their story or their purpose. I am tired of conformity. You know why? Because I’ve never felt comfortable conforming. I’m a creative… and truth be told… we really don’t conform… and that’s ok. You know what else? Deep down, I think EVERYONE is creative and when we stifle that we get very unhappy and make some stupid choices. So, revel in who you are. Revel in who your kids are and remember, they have a purpose and an imagination and a story all their own that may look very different than what you have in mind and that just may be ok. Actually, it will have to be ok, because with or without your consent, they will walk into their own free will and choose their path, just like you did. And you know what? You turned out just fine, didn’t you?
